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How much exercise is ok for a puppy?
The common walking rule is- 5 minutes of exercise for every month of age. That’s for an average sized dog. Bolognese are small puppies, so start with a 5 minute walk for a 3 month old puppy. Also small puppies / dogs have to take a lot more steps to our one, so walking needs to be at a slower pace. Puppies are not fully developed until they are at least a year old. Puppies that get excessive exercise can have problems with their hips and knees later on. See article below…..
Puppies also love front packs, backpacks and puppy strollers! We have lots of people send us pictures hiking with their puppy in a pack. It’s nice because you can take them with you and pack them when they get tired. Also remember the heat affects their endurance too- especially if they’re in a longer coat. ( Please read the article below )
When you get your 8/10 week old puppies, please keep this image in mind. Their bones do not even touch yet. They plod around so cutely with big floppy paws and wobbly movement because their joints are entirely made up of muscle, tendons, ligaments with skin covering. Nothing is fitting tightly together or has a true socket yet.
When you run them excessively or don't restrict their exercise to stop them from overdoing it during this period you don't give them a chance to grow properly. Every big jump or excited bouncing run causes impacts between the bones. In reasonable amounts this is not problematic and is the normal wear and tear that every animal will engage in. But when you're letting puppy jump up and down off the lounge or bed, take them for long walks/hikes, you are damaging that forming joint. When you let the puppy scramble on tile with no traction you are damaging the joint. You only get the chance to grow them once. A well built body is something that comes from excellent breeding and a great upbringing-BOTH, not just one.
Once grown you will have the rest of their life to spend playing and engaging in higher impact exercise. So keep it calm while they're still little baby puppies and give the gift that can only be given once.
NEOTECH, LLC is a United States Department of Agriculture licensed veterinary vaccine manufacturer that strictly adheres to the core vaccine principle endorsed by veterinarians, scientists, and dog enthusiast. Our philosophy towards vaccination of dogs is simple, avoid over-vaccination of dogs by only using simple and potent vaccines.
The core vaccination principle states that dogs should only receive vaccines that are safe and effective in stimulating immunity against the most lethal and infectious viral diseases. The core vaccines are canine parvovirus, canine adenovirus type 2, canine distemper and rabies. Other canine vaccines that claim to protect against diseases that do not represent a significant threat to the dog population are considered non-core vaccines. Furthermore, non-core vaccines have limited efficacy against clinical disease and may potentially cause harm or injury.
Although the core vaccine principle applies to dogs of all ages, it especially applies to young puppies. Young puppies have a functional, but underdeveloped, immune system with a limited ability to fight pathogens and really to vaccination. Therefore it is unwise to challenge the puppy’s immature immune system with non-core vaccines against diseases of little or no consequence.
For many years, scientists and veterinarians assumed that vaccine-induced immunity was not attainable in young puppies due the puppy’s underdeveloped immune system and a high circulating level of maternal antibody. NEOTECH has discovered the 3 keys to stimulating immunity in the youngest of puppies, often after just one dose. NEOTECH vaccines are presented in single antigen and simple combination forms. Unlike many complex combination vaccines, NEOTECH’s canine parvovirus and distemper virus vaccines are two separate vaccines. NEOTECH discovered that by separating these two antigens, vaccine-induced antibody production in the puppy is much more efficient than complex 5, 7, and 9 antigen vaccines containing canine parvovirus and distemper virus.
NEOTECH vaccines are modified live virus vaccines containing an unrivaled number of live vaccine particles per dose. NEOTECH’s vaccines contain live vaccines particles that closely resemble the wild-type virus, thus resulting in a greater level of protection. The greater number of live vaccine particles per dose permit a short period from vaccination to protection, a high initial level of protection, and a long duration of protection. The greater number of live vaccine particles per dose enable NEOTECH vaccines to stimulate protection in the youngest of pups with a high level of maternal antibody. This often occurs after just one dose
NEOTECH’s vaccines only contain core vaccines. Since a dog’s immune system has a limited ability to respond to vaccine challenge, an immune response to a non-core vaccination that stimulates immunity to a disease of little or no consequence is a wasted immune response. This wasted immune response is at the expense of a much needed immune response against the most prevalent and lethal diseases of dogs (core vaccines). Since NEOTECH vaccines are void of non-core antigens, protection is only stimulated against core diseases.